Kenya North America Diaspora Savings and Credit Co-operative Society Ltd (K-NADS) was registered in November 28th, 2016. The registration is in accordance with The Co-operative Societies Act Cap 490 of the Co-operative Societies Act. K-NADS was founded and registered by a group of Kenyan women residing in the United States after they saw the need for empowering Diaspora women financially through credible, investment, affordable savings and easy access to credit.

K-NADS membership currently has of over 1000 members women living in or has returned to Kenya from the 23 countries of North America. K-NADS is proud to be the first Diaspora Women Sacco and the fastest growing Sacco in the Diaspora. K-NADS offices are conveniently located at 6th Parklands Avenue, Muthaiga court house number 14.


To be the preferred and trusted global leader providing financial solutions that promote viable investments and social change.


To mobilize and connect diaspora women through:
• Reliable collective savings and accessible credit facilities for profitable investment opportunities.
• Empowering all stakeholders through the provision of adequate financial education and capacity building.
• Utilizing available technology to achieve maximum growth potential.
• Collaborating and partnering with external stakeholders for the benefit of our members.
• Creating a positive social impact in the community.



Dr. Lucy Ndegwa McKenzie

Lucy Ndegwa McKenzie is a compliance healthcare professional with nursing and business directorship experience. She is a management professional with a proven leadership of achieving goals, motivating, and building and maintaining business loyalty, quality care and profit focus with significant experience in managing privacy, policies and compliance, and promotion of service quality.

She is the Founder and CEO of ICARE Operation a non–profit organization registered in the state of Texas, whose motto is “Building Life Together”.
Lucy is a member of the Dallas team I Change Nations Goodwill Ambassadors. These team members collaborate with each other and support the growth of each other’s area of calling. The team embraces the concept Women Add Value.

She is a graduate of Leadership Allen-Fairview Class XXVI. Lucy is the first Kenyan to graduate from this leadership program since its inception in 1989 Lucy is a board member of Kenya Diaspora Advisor Council (KDAC) in Texas that serves the Kenyan community in Dallas Fort Worth.
Lucy is one of the founders of the Kenya North America Diaspora Sacco (K-NADS). The SACCO will provide an avenue for the Kenyan diaspora woman in any of the 23 North American countries to pull their financial resources together for investment purposes and build wealth

Chair and Co-Founder

Dr. Lucy Ndegwa McKenzie

Lucy Ndegwa McKenzie is a compliance healthcare professional with nursing and business directorship experience. She is a management professional with a proven leadership of achieving goals, motivating, and building and maintaining business loyalty, quality care and profit focus with significant experience in managing privacy, policies and compliance, and promotion of service quality.

She is the Founder and CEO of ICARE Operation a non–profit organization registered in the state of Texas, whose motto is “Building Life Together”.
Lucy is a member of the Dallas team I Change Nations Goodwill Ambassadors. These team members collaborate with each other and support the growth of each other’s area of calling. The team embraces the concept Women Add Value.

She is a graduate of Leadership Allen-Fairview Class XXVI. Lucy is the first Kenyan to graduate from this leadership program since its inception in 1989 Lucy is a board member of Kenya Diaspora Advisor Council (KDAC) in Texas that serves the Kenyan community in Dallas Fort Worth.
Lucy is one of the founders of the Kenya North America Diaspora Sacco (K-NADS). The SACCO will provide an avenue for the Kenyan diaspora woman in any of the 23 North American countries to pull their financial resources together for investment purposes and build wealth

Vice Chair

Dr. Pauline Otieno Kibisu

Pauline Otieno Kibisu is so excited to be a K-NADSk member, and more so in the pioneering group, I am humbled and consider it a great privilege to serve in the leadership team. Pauline joined K-NADS because the mission and vision resonated with me, I am passionate about empowering women; and how best than through a Sacco? Apart from that, Sacco’s are dear to my heart, given that my mother belonging to one enabled her to educate all her children.
Pauline serves on several nonprofits and is currently the 2nd Vice President, medical mission vice and committee member of Academic excellence youth and women empowerment (IHOPEE). She is a treasurer for United African Investment Club and a committee member of Jazanda sisters’ group both in Austin. Pauline serves in both the Women’s ministry and service team at Freedom church of Round Rock, which is actively involved in community volunteering in the city of Round Rock, Texas. In the past, she also served on the PTA of her children's schools as well as in the annual health fairs.
Pauline has a Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) and is a Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP-BC) who consults with physiatry. A native of Kenya, she completed her diplomas in nursing and midwifery at Cecily McDonnel Nairobi hospital school of nursing and Mater hospital respectively, undergraduate education Jacksonville University, Florida and graduate education, and a DNP in Health System Leadership are both from Chamberlain College of Nursing. Pauline was an ICU charge nurse at North Austin Medical Center & UCLA and held leadership roles at Baylor S &W, Temple, Cornerstone hospital, and Brotman Medical center. Certifications include FNP-BC, MSRN, BLS, ACLS, and Six Sigma Lean management. As a leader increased patient and satisfaction and staff satisfaction and decreased turnover. Achieved recognition by the American Heart Association stroke gold Plus quality achievement award and certification as a renal transplant center. As an administrative representative of the CAUTI committee, she helped formulate a nurse-driven protocol that dropped urinary infection by greater than 50% saving the unit large dollars.
My 5-year vision for K-NADS is ensuring that it stays the stellar Sacco standing for the face of Kenya, that goes above and beyond to provide excellent services to diaspora women using current continuous quality improvement processes. Pauline knows what truly drives conversions, and it’s not just recruiting Sacco members. It’s how well you link with the heart-beating individuals you’re trying to service and interconnect your understanding back to them. My goal is to serve the members like they are my mother or sister, there is nothing better and more fulfilling than that!


Maryanne Wangeci Goetz

Maryanne Wangeci Goetz is the owner of a successful Health and Wellness business in North Carolina for over 10 years. She has extensive experience in facilitating grassroots community development projects in healthcare, education, water and sanitation and ecotourism.

Her biggest passion is in empowering women and rural communities towards economic self-sustenance and self-sufficiency both in different parts of Kenya and her community in the Triangle Area of North Carolina. Maryanne has successfully, with others founded two investment groups in Kenya and one group in North Carolina. Maryanne serves as the Secretary to the Board of the North America Diaspora Sacco, K-NADS.

Board Secretary and Co-Founder

Maryanne Wangeci Goetz

Maryanne Wangeci Goetz is the owner of a successful Health and Wellness business in North Carolina for over 10 years. She has extensive experience in facilitating grassroots community development projects in healthcare, education, water and sanitation and ecotourism.

Her biggest passion is in empowering women and rural communities towards economic self-sustenance and self-sufficiency both in different parts of Kenya and her community in the Triangle Area of North Carolina. Maryanne has successfully, with others founded two investment groups in Kenya and one group in North Carolina. Maryanne serves as the Secretary to the Board of the North America Diaspora Sacco, K-NADS.

Treasurer and Co-Founder

Purity Mugo Ateku

Purity Mugo-Ateku has been working as a financial coordinator in a private university in Dallas, Texas for the last 15 years. She brings in a wealth of financial,administrative, operational management as well as event planning and coordination.

Purity is a motivational speaker and a mentor to many young women and is a much sought out speaker and emcee. She is actively involved in the Kenyan community in Dallas, and serves as a board member for a nonprofit organization. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and a double Masters in Global Studies & Organizational Dynamics. In addition to serving in the DFW community, Purity is passionate about giving back in Kenya, and has adopted seven kids, ensuring that they get an education.


Purity Mugo Ateku

Purity Mugo-Ateku has been working as a financial coordinator in a private university in Dallas, Texas for the last 15 years. She brings in a wealth of financial,administrative, operational management as well as event planning and coordination.

Purity is a motivational speaker and a mentor to many young women and is a much sought out speaker and emcee. She is actively involved in the Kenyan community in Dallas, and serves as a board member for a nonprofit organization. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and a double Masters in Global Studies & Organizational Dynamics. In addition to serving in the DFW community, Purity is passionate about giving back in Kenya, and has adopted seven kids, ensuring that they get an education.

Board Member and Co-Founder

Regina Opiyo

Regina Opiyo has over 15 years of professional experience in both private and public sectors. She is actively involved in community service and leadership. Regina is Co-Founder of KCPA (Kenyan Community in Pennsylvania), a registered non-profit entity.

In addition, she serves as one of Board of Directors for Hope Within Ministries, a non-profit organization that provides free healthcare and counseling services for medically uninsured and financially needy residents. Regina holds a Bachelor of Science in Management, and was named Who’s Who in American Universities and Colleges, 1997. Regina serves as Executive Board member and director of marketing initiatives and outreach for Kenya North Diaspora Sacco (K-NADS).


Regina Opiyo

Regina Opiyo has over 15 years of professional experience in both private and public sectors. She is actively involved in community service and leadership. Regina is Co-Founder of KCPA (Kenyan Community in Pennsylvania), a registered non-profit entity.

In addition, she serves as one of Board of Directors for Hope Within Ministries, a non-profit organization that provides free healthcare and counseling services for medically uninsured and financially needy residents. Regina holds a Bachelor of Science in Management, and was named Who’s Who in American Universities and Colleges, 1997. Regina serves as Executive Board member and director of marketing initiatives and outreach for Kenya North Diaspora Sacco (K-NADS).

Board Member and Co-Founder

Penny Macharia

With over 15 years of experience in customer service, Penny brings a considerable experience in working with people.

Notable is her leadership in various organizations in Kenyan community in Atlanta, GA and she is involved in planning various community events. She is also an active member of KACC church in Marietta Georgia where she has also been an active leader in various departments. Through her experience in working as a Kenyan bank agent in Kenya, Penny understands the banking needs of Kenyans in the Diaspora as well different issues affecting Kenyans in the Diaspora. Penny is a graduate St. Leo University and holds a degree in business Management and currently pursuing a degree in Human Resources Management at St Leo University.



Dr. Lucy Ndegwa McKenzie

Lucy Ndegwa McKenzie is a compliance healthcare professional with nursing and business directorship experience. She is a management professional with a proven leadership of achieving goals, motivating, and building and maintaining business loyalty, quality care and profit focus with significant experience in managing privacy, policies and compliance, and promotion of service quality.

She is the Founder and CEO of ICARE Operation a non–profit organization registered in the state of Texas, whose motto is “Building Life Together”.
Lucy is a member of the Dallas team I Change Nations Goodwill Ambassadors. These team members collaborate with each other and support the growth of each other’s area of calling. The team embraces the concept Women Add Value.

She is a graduate of Leadership Allen-Fairview Class XXVI. Lucy is the first Kenyan to graduate from this leadership program since its inception in 1989 Lucy is a board member of Kenya Diaspora Advisor Council (KDAC) in Texas that serves the Kenyan community in Dallas Fort Worth.
Lucy is one of the founders of the Kenya North America Diaspora Sacco (K-NADS). The SACCO will provide an avenue for the Kenyan diaspora woman in any of the 23 North American countries to pull their financial resources together for investment purposes and build wealth

Chair and Co-Founder

Dr. Lucy Ndegwa McKenzie

Lucy Ndegwa McKenzie is a compliance healthcare professional with nursing and business directorship experience. She is a management professional with a proven leadership of achieving goals, motivating, and building and maintaining business loyalty, quality care and profit focus with significant experience in managing privacy, policies and compliance, and promotion of service quality.

She is the Founder and CEO of ICARE Operation a non–profit organization registered in the state of Texas, whose motto is “Building Life Together”.
Lucy is a member of the Dallas team I Change Nations Goodwill Ambassadors. These team members collaborate with each other and support the growth of each other’s area of calling. The team embraces the concept Women Add Value.

She is a graduate of Leadership Allen-Fairview Class XXVI. Lucy is the first Kenyan to graduate from this leadership program since its inception in 1989 Lucy is a board member of Kenya Diaspora Advisor Council (KDAC) in Texas that serves the Kenyan community in Dallas Fort Worth.
Lucy is one of the founders of the Kenya North America Diaspora Sacco (K-NADS). The SACCO will provide an avenue for the Kenyan diaspora woman in any of the 23 North American countries to pull their financial resources together for investment purposes and build wealth

Vice Chair

Dr. Pauline Otieno Kibisu

Pauline Otieno Kibisu is so excited to be a K-NADSk member, and more so in the pioneering group, I am humbled and consider it a great privilege to serve in the leadership team. Pauline joined K-NADS because the mission and vision resonated with me, I am passionate about empowering women; and how best than through a Sacco? Apart from that, Sacco’s are dear to my heart, given that my mother belonging to one enabled her to educate all her children.
Pauline serves on several nonprofits and is currently the 2nd Vice President, medical mission vice and committee member of Academic excellence youth and women empowerment (IHOPEE). She is a treasurer for United African Investment Club and a committee member of Jazanda sisters’ group both in Austin. Pauline serves in both the Women’s ministry and service team at Freedom church of Round Rock, which is actively involved in community volunteering in the city of Round Rock, Texas. In the past, she also served on the PTA of her children's schools as well as in the annual health fairs.
Pauline has a Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) and is a Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP-BC) who consults with physiatry. A native of Kenya, she completed her diplomas in nursing and midwifery at Cecily McDonnel Nairobi hospital school of nursing and Mater hospital respectively, undergraduate education Jacksonville University, Florida and graduate education, and a DNP in Health System Leadership are both from Chamberlain College of Nursing. Pauline was an ICU charge nurse at North Austin Medical Center & UCLA and held leadership roles at Baylor S &W, Temple, Cornerstone hospital, and Brotman Medical center. Certifications include FNP-BC, MSRN, BLS, ACLS, and Six Sigma Lean management. As a leader increased patient and satisfaction and staff satisfaction and decreased turnover. Achieved recognition by the American Heart Association stroke gold Plus quality achievement award and certification as a renal transplant center. As an administrative representative of the CAUTI committee, she helped formulate a nurse-driven protocol that dropped urinary infection by greater than 50% saving the unit large dollars.
My 5-year vision for K-NADS is ensuring that it stays the stellar Sacco standing for the face of Kenya, that goes above and beyond to provide excellent services to diaspora women using current continuous quality improvement processes. Pauline knows what truly drives conversions, and it’s not just recruiting Sacco members. It’s how well you link with the heart-beating individuals you’re trying to service and interconnect your understanding back to them. My goal is to serve the members like they are my mother or sister, there is nothing better and more fulfilling than that!


Maryanne Wangeci Goetz

Maryanne Wangeci Goetz is the owner of a successful Health and Wellness business in North Carolina for over 10 years. She has extensive experience in facilitating grassroots community development projects in healthcare, education, water and sanitation and ecotourism.

Her biggest passion is in empowering women and rural communities towards economic self-sustenance and self-sufficiency both in different parts of Kenya and her community in the Triangle Area of North Carolina. Maryanne has successfully, with others founded two investment groups in Kenya and one group in North Carolina. Maryanne serves as the Secretary to the Board of the North America Diaspora Sacco, K-NADS.

Board Secretary and Co-Founder

Maryanne Wangeci Goetz

Maryanne Wangeci Goetz is the owner of a successful Health and Wellness business in North Carolina for over 10 years. She has extensive experience in facilitating grassroots community development projects in healthcare, education, water and sanitation and ecotourism.

Her biggest passion is in empowering women and rural communities towards economic self-sustenance and self-sufficiency both in different parts of Kenya and her community in the Triangle Area of North Carolina. Maryanne has successfully, with others founded two investment groups in Kenya and one group in North Carolina. Maryanne serves as the Secretary to the Board of the North America Diaspora Sacco, K-NADS.

Treasurer and Co-Founder

Purity Mugo Ateku

Purity Mugo-Ateku has been working as a financial coordinator in a private university in Dallas, Texas for the last 15 years. She brings in a wealth of financial,administrative, operational management as well as event planning and coordination.

Purity is a motivational speaker and a mentor to many young women and is a much sought out speaker and emcee. She is actively involved in the Kenyan community in Dallas, and serves as a board member for a nonprofit organization. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and a double Masters in Global Studies & Organizational Dynamics. In addition to serving in the DFW community, Purity is passionate about giving back in Kenya, and has adopted seven kids, ensuring that they get an education.


Purity Mugo Ateku

Purity Mugo-Ateku has been working as a financial coordinator in a private university in Dallas, Texas for the last 15 years. She brings in a wealth of financial,administrative, operational management as well as event planning and coordination.

Purity is a motivational speaker and a mentor to many young women and is a much sought out speaker and emcee. She is actively involved in the Kenyan community in Dallas, and serves as a board member for a nonprofit organization. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and a double Masters in Global Studies & Organizational Dynamics. In addition to serving in the DFW community, Purity is passionate about giving back in Kenya, and has adopted seven kids, ensuring that they get an education.

Board Member and Co-Founder

Regina Opiyo

Regina Opiyo has over 15 years of professional experience in both private and public sectors. She is actively involved in community service and leadership. Regina is Co-Founder of KCPA (Kenyan Community in Pennsylvania), a registered non-profit entity.

In addition, she serves as one of Board of Directors for Hope Within Ministries, a non-profit organization that provides free healthcare and counseling services for medically uninsured and financially needy residents. Regina holds a Bachelor of Science in Management, and was named Who’s Who in American Universities and Colleges, 1997. Regina serves as Executive Board member and director of marketing initiatives and outreach for Kenya North Diaspora Sacco (K-NADS).


Regina Opiyo

Regina Opiyo has over 15 years of professional experience in both private and public sectors. She is actively involved in community service and leadership. Regina is Co-Founder of KCPA (Kenyan Community in Pennsylvania), a registered non-profit entity.

In addition, she serves as one of Board of Directors for Hope Within Ministries, a non-profit organization that provides free healthcare and counseling services for medically uninsured and financially needy residents. Regina holds a Bachelor of Science in Management, and was named Who’s Who in American Universities and Colleges, 1997. Regina serves as Executive Board member and director of marketing initiatives and outreach for Kenya North Diaspora Sacco (K-NADS).

Board Member and Co-Founder

Penny Macharia

With over 15 years of experience in customer service, Penny brings a considerable experience in working with people.

Notable is her leadership in various organizations in Kenyan community in Atlanta, GA and she is involved in planning various community events. She is also an active member of KACC church in Marietta Georgia where she has also been an active leader in various departments. Through her experience in working as a Kenyan bank agent in Kenya, Penny understands the banking needs of Kenyans in the Diaspora as well different issues affecting Kenyans in the Diaspora. Penny is a graduate St. Leo University and holds a degree in business Management and currently pursuing a degree in Human Resources Management at St Leo University.