This committee comprises of 3 members of the management board including the Vice chairperson who will serve as the head of the committee. The Committee shall be chosen at the Management Board held within 7 to maximum of 14 days after each Annual General Meeting for a term of three years.

Committee Members

Ruth Kinyua – Chair
Julie Irungu

Who​ ​can be Education Committee Member?

  • Must be a member of the K-NADS.
  • Must be Over 18 years.
  • Cannot be a leader of another SACCO.
  • Has no criminal record.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Does not hold political office at any level.
  • The status of account MUST be up to date.

Duties of the Education committee shall include:

  1. The Education Committee shall organize, facilitate and promote members’ and Board member’s education.
  2. Provide professional training for new Brand Ambassadors and new committee members regarding K-NADS code of ethics, code of conduct, bylaws and professionalism.
  3. Ensure proper and adequate training is provided to all Brand Ambassadors to enable them to better serve K-NADS members.
  4. Promote distribution and interpretation of the By-laws, to the members.
  5. Organize Educational programs for members, committee members, staff and the general public.
  6. Ensure that both the committee members and the staff are well trained and prepared for tasks they are entrusted with by the Society.
  7. Create Cooperative awareness to the general public.
  8. Advise the Management Board and update members on all matters of education and information. E.g. Ensure allocation of funds for educational purposes and apply the funds for the benefit of members.
  9. ​Prepare periodic reports on education and information and publicize the same for the benefit of members.
  10. Educate members and publicize information on the various products, package and services offered by the Society. Identify, collect disseminate and publish Co-operative news for the benefit of the Society.
  11. Identify, collect disseminate and publish Co-operative news for the benefit of the Society
  12. Give report for education tours, seminars and recruitment that has taken place to the board and during Annual General Meeting.
  13. Membership recruitment.
  14. Ensure production and acquisition of literature including magazines and periodicals

Meetings of the Education Committee

  1. Meet when needs arise for the benefit of members education needs.
  2. Reviewing and signing of previous month minutes and make follow up to ensure the Issues raised are effected by the office.
  3. The Operations officer/Credit officer of the society shall at all 3 times make available to the Education committee.
  4. The Education meeting is normally chaired by the chairperson.
  5. Perform any other duties that may be assigned by the Management Board.