Kenya North America Diaspora Savings and Credit Co-operative Society Ltd (K-NADS) was registered in November 28th, 2016. The registration is in accordance with The Co-operative Societies Act Cap 490 of the Co-operative Societies Act. K-NADS was founded and registered by a group of Kenyan women residing in the United States after they saw the need for empowering Diaspora women financially through credible, investment, affordable savings and easy access to credit.
K-NADS membership currently has of over 1000 members women living in or has returned to Kenya from the 23 countries of North America. K-NADS is proud to be the first Diaspora Women Sacco and the fastest growing Sacco in the Diaspora. K-NADS offices are conveniently located at 6th Parklands Avenue, Muthaiga court house number 14.
To be the preferred and trusted global leader providing financial solutions that promote viable investments and social change.
To mobilize and connect diaspora women through:
• Reliable collective savings and accessible credit facilities for profitable investment opportunities.
• Empowering all stakeholders through the provision of adequate financial education and capacity building.
• Utilizing available technology to achieve maximum growth potential.
• Collaborating and partnering with external stakeholders for the benefit of our members.
• Creating a positive social impact in the community.